Thursday, May 10, 2007


The babies are all packed up and we are just waiting on the call from Aunt JuJu summoning us to Stephenville for the arrival of the babies first cousin...Emmy Elizabeth. We thought she would have come by now...but she's been teasing us for the past couple of days. I think she's picked up on some of the competitveness her Mom and I share (who are only 14 months apart) and is proving that she can gestate much longer than the triplets did. We get the point Miss win, games over, you can come out now!!!


  1. We're ready Emmy! Aunt Pammy has been doing substitute plans for her classroom for the past 2 weeks. I can't wait to meet you!

  2. I'm so excited that you all are going to be here for when Emmy comes! The end is in sight! Trust me when I say that Emmy's mommy will be having a little talk with Emmy about teasing people about her arrival...not nice at all!

  3. That is adorable!!! and cute commentary!

  4. Adorable suitcase photo! You never cease to amaze me with the items you find in their pink, blue, green colors!!!

  5. what made u think of having all of their stuff color coded

  6. This picture should be entered in the photo contests you always put your pictures in. I think it is absolutely the cutest picture you've posted in a while. (although they are all cute)


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