Friday, July 31, 2009

London Avocado

London loves it when we put food in his teething feeder. His favorite is bananas but the other day we tried avocado and he loved it too! We tried apples today and tomorrow I think we'll try mango...ymmm!

Of course sucking on his bib is sometimes just as tasty to him!

Buca with Bobka

On Saturday we celebrated Bobka's birthday with dinner at Buca di Beppo

Missy Moo wearing Granny's glasses

London & Mommy

Singing Happy Birthday to the birthday girl!!!

Lathan helping her eat her cake :)

Happy Birthday Bobka!!!

London 6 Month Checkup

Last Friday we took Mr. London in for his 6 month checkup.

His stats:
FOC (head circumference) 17.5"
Length: 27 1/4" (putting him in the 80th percentile)
Weight: 18lbs 11 oz (75th percentile)

We were given the ok to start him on Stage 2 baby foods and soft table foods like mashed potatoes and mac n' cheese. He's still happy with his Stage 1 foods though and since I'm in no hurry to speed this baby process up, we'll stick with those until he shows us he's ready to move on.

Dr. Savrick was impressed with how well he could sit :)

Triplets enjoying the view of the med center

London got 2 shots, cried for literally 2 seconds (ok, maybe 5) and then we were off to The Children's Museum!

Playing with Daddy (he hadn't been since they remodeled so the triplets had lots to show him!)

Daddy with his monkeys

Lauren in the fish (this used to be the trio's favorite when we took them as infants)


Triplet Trike Races

On your mark...

Get set...


Lauren, London, Logan & Lathan

Then some dinner at Freebirds before heading home.

Silly, SHAGGY, Loggie Bear (he's had a haircut since then!)

Thursday, July 30, 2009


New rule for my pal will be wrapped in bubble wrap head to toe in the days preceeding scheduled photo sessions!

Remember this??? Last time we went for pictures Lathan slid down the driveway. We have a session for London scheduled tomorrow for his 6 month pics and I thought I'd take the trio for a group shot. Guess Lathan will once again be sporting some extra black and blue! (He went to kick a ball and his foot slipped out from under him).I thought the little rash he had on his cheek was going to be bad, barely even notice that now!!!

They wear helmets when riding their trikes and ride on toys (thank goodness!)...maybe helmets 24/7 wouldn't be a bad idea!

Poor baby...he says it doesn't hurt though so that's good.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Visit with Maw Maw & Aunt Sandy

Last week we went over to Aunt Sandy and Maw Maw's house to play and eat lunch. We had such a GREAT time! Got to swim a little, run around outside, roast hot dogs, eat watermelon and of course do all of this with super family!

London and Maw Maw

Triplets Swimming

Maw Maw with Foursome :)

Logan and Maw Maw playing with waterguns (I was assured that she started it!!!)




MY FAVORITE...Lauren and Maw Maw!


Drinking from a cup with Aunt Sandy

The kids had a blast and all four were asleep before we left the neighborhood!!!

***Earlier that morning***
They are building a new house next door to us. Although it can be loud at times, you can't beat the cheap entertainment! The kids love to watch the tractors - keeps them occupied for hours and we don't even have to leave the house!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Avery Playdate

So much we had a playdate at Avery's house!

The welcome plate - LOVE IT!!!

Playing with Play Doh

The Lunch Bunch

Avery & Lathan

The Group

Thank you so much for having us Natalie...we really had a great time and enjoyed spending time with both you and The Oakley's!


The kids having a snack (can you tell how much London loves his siblings!?!?)

Sweet Boy enjoying puffs

Even if they rarely make it into his mouth!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

1st trip to the dentist...

May 14,2009

Back in May the triplets had their first checkup at the dentist...

They all did EXTREMELY well and had the office talking about how well behaved they were - whew! Each baby had a set of x-rays done and got a complete checkup and cleaning. At first they weren't too sure about laying down but the dentist had them watch her check out London and then they were cool with each having a turn.

London taking one for the team!

Logan's turn

Lauren (the boys were asked to help which they thought was pretty neat)


It was noted in their charts that they all have excellent dental hygene and best of all NO CAVITIES!!! All three had signs of their prematurity and from the magnesium iv I was on the 6 weeks before they were born...she said that she could tell Logan and Lauren had trauma to their teeth during development causing a lack of enamel (the good news is that this only affects thier baby teeth). Lauren's top lip was damaged due to being intubated and the roof of Lathan's mouth has a defined ridge from where his vent tube pressed against his forming gums. None of it is serious and could obviously be much worse so we're once again counting our blessings!

They weighed and checked heights for each little ones and since this was just days after their birthday, I'm documenting these as their offical 3rd birthday stats! (not great pics...these were all taken from my cell phone!)

Lathan 37lbs 39 1/2"

Lauren 28lbs 38 1/2"

Logan 32lbs 37 1/2"

All About Guinn Baby #4

I've been meaning to do this again (write a post about each baby like I did last summer) but I keep getting side tracked. However, now that London is SIX months old, I figure his 1/2 birthday post will be a perfect place to start. So starting in reverse order :)

All About Guinn Baby #4

*Picture by Shannon K. Photography*

Baby London turned six months old today...I have no idea how that happened!

London aka "my lovie" (mommy), "sweet baby" (Lauren), "baby london" (triplets), "mr fuzz" (daddy), "boo boo chicken" (from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)
(The triplets can all say his name so I don't guess he'll get a random nickname like Nay Nay or Nonnie!)

London is pretty much happy all the time. Now that he's getting a little older he knows what he wants and can fuss until he gets it but since 99.9% of the time, all he wants is his momma, he's very easy to please. (He's also easy to distract right now so if I need a minute or two all I have to do is send a triplet his way!)

London is a cuddle bug and sleeps right next to me...I LOVE it!!! He ALWAYS wakes up smiling - the very best way to start the day!

He sleeps straight from about 8:30pm until around 8:45am. I usually nurse and rock him to sleep and then put him in his swing (this way the triplets can get their bath and get ready for bed without disturbing him). Plus I get a little alone time with him and we have a calm ending to a sometimes crazy day!

When I go to bed, I take him with me and all I have to do is lay him down and rub his little back...most of the time he never wakes up. When he wakes up in the morning, I feed him and we cuddle as the triplets start waking up. We all watch a little Disney channel and then I put London back down right before I take the trio downstairs for breakfast. He takes about 2 or 3 more naps throughout the day(some cat naps and then one big nap with the trio). Basically he's an awesome sleeper...woohoo I'm lucky!!!

I usually nurse him to sleep so he sleeps on his side with his arm up over his head. He naps alot in his swing and is usually swaddled, but if he happens to get his arm out, he'll raise it up, just like he does while laying on the bed.

His favorite toys include the Baby Einstein Exersaucer and his Jumperoo (plus any toy that he can put in his mouth!)

He reaches for me which melts my heart!

If you ask him to say Momma, he does a cute thing with his lips/mouth (like he's blotting lipstick!). He's made the sound a time or two though usually he does it silent. I thought I had it on video but I can't find it at the moment...I'll keep looking!

He's a big boy now and sits at the table with the big kids. I try and give him a sippy with water or something to play with so he feels like he's "one of them"!

He got to try puffs for the 1st time this weekend and I think they'll be a staple for him just like they were for the triplets!

So far his favorite foods to go with his rice cereal are bananas, pears and applesauce. We tried sweet potatoes (which the trio LOVED) last week and he gaged and acted like we were poisoning him. We'll have to try again later! He's an excellent eater whether its solids, formula or breastmilk. As long as its food - he's happy!

The little guy rolls all over the place...

and can sit unassisted (for about a minute or two). He's VERY proud of himself and I must say that I'm pretty impressed that all of these milestones are just happenening, and not stuff that we have to work on like we did in the past. Whew!

I've been taking pictures of London in his bouncy seat every month though this month, he wouldn't lay back...he wanted to sit up! Oh well, guess it still shows how much he's grown!

London One Week

London Six Months

He wears clothes and shoes that the triplets wore when they were 18 months old!

London LOVES LOVES LOVES his siblings and watches their every move. He can spot them from across the room and laughs at pretty much everything they do (even when they take his toys and just plain annoy him!).

I'm sure there's stuff I'm missing, but its super late so if I think of something I'll just update it later. Bottom line is we think London is absolutely ADORABLE and the PERFECT addition to our family. WE LOVE YOU LONDON!!!

Baby Names - Name Badge Ticker


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