Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Another Flashback...

This is a video of Logan one year ago, May 23, 2006. I remember coming in to the NICU that day and thinking that he actually looked SO good. He was getting plump (about 3 1/2 pounds!!!), was very alert (not the norm) and was wearing clothes (a shirt) for the first time. It was a turning point in our NICU stay, the little ones finally seemed to be acting more like babies who just needed to learn a few skills and grow a little, instead of extremely fragile, sick preemies. I ran to my car to get my camera, this is why...


  1. Wow! What a difference a year makes! It is hard to believe that this is the same little boy that is such a little entertainer now when he finds an audience. We love out little Logan!


  2. I got your link from my sister in law's website (Jaxon's my nephew). It's so encouraging to see that there are wonderful thriving babies after the mess of the NICU. Your kids are ADORABLE! I have just one ten month old and I'm exhausted (I also work full time but mostly from home) but I can't imagine three all at once! God bless you and your whole family!

  3. He really did look AMAZING that day for his NICU days, but it doesn't even compare to what a wonderful, healthy boy he has grown into. We love you Logan!

  4. So cute indeed! The background noises sent chills through my entire body, I don't miss that place one bit!

  5. He always has been and always will be a miracle baby! I don't miss those days of having to go to the NICU to see them AT ALL! The video brought tears to my eyes!

  6. I absolutely can watch that over and over again simply because it strengthens my faith. God has really blessed you guys. Look how far your family has come in one year! You are my inspiration because of how much you wanted those babies and now look at you! : ) Thanks so much once again for sharing with us your incredible journey.

  7. I am the neonatal nurse from TN. That is the sweetest video. I cannot believe he stayed awake for you to get the camera. Of course i look for things in the pic that we have in our NICU. The PICC, snuggly, and how they tape their OG tubes, it's interesting to me. But, best of all is sweet little Loggie.

  8. what a precious movie, beautiful little boy. I am glad to see everything is good with your little ones. We are expecting triplet girls July 4Th. I am so terrified, any advice would help me out. Please check out our website...

    Jenell Mann


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