Friday, September 5, 2008


Yep...its a fact...Lathan is two!

Here's one of his new favorites. Climbing/Scaling the cabinets (without any assistance from a chair, stool or ANYTHING). This was taken last week when he was spraying everything with windex. Today he went to the other cabinet and dumped out all our spices.

All of the bottom cabinets are secured with tot loks and all chemicals, cleaners, knifes, etc were stored in the top cabinets. Today that all changed. Our kitchen has now been rearranged and ALL cabinets will now be locked.

And while I was rearranging the kitchen, this is what little Lathan was doing. He was suppossed to be napping but got up a little early and found my nail polish. It looks lovely on the carpet!

I've tried a few google remedies on the carpet, but none have really worked. We've never really liked our carpet anyway and have always said we'd get something nicer when the kids were a little older. So not too much harm done. :)

Luckily for Lathan, he's just so darn cute and loveable, and in between his naughty spells he's such a good boy. I told him today though, that he'd better shape up or else I would find him a daycare!

And luckily for us...Logan and Lauren are very good at alerting us to Lathan's tricks (AND both like to stay out of trouble...whew!). Logan usually says "Uh oh Mom, what's Lathan doing" and I know to run!!!

More to come I'm least we're never bored!


  1. Man.... good thing Lathan rubs your back and is just so sweet! Let Aunt Pammie know if you start looking for day cares, and maybe we could get him promoted to first grade real quick. :)

  2. Oh yeah!! Let the games begin :) But what are you going to do when they are so stinkin cute? Trust me I completely understand! It's a daily battle at our house as well!!

  3. Yikes! Their sweetness really does totally make up for any slips in judgement!

  4. I totally feel your pain. Taylor is the same way...well, you are right, never a dull moment!

  5. what an adorable little monkey you have! the windex thing is so cute he was just tryin to help out his mama. our twins get into EVERYTHING so i totally understand what your goin through.

  6. I feel you pain, minus two. But just as painful. All I can say is good luck. At least they are cute!!! That really does help.

  7. So cute! My little girl is only 8 months, but she tries to get into everything! :)

  8. Must be a "2" thing. My son started early on monkey business like that also. Cute factor goes a long way. As far as clean up goes, maybe nail polish remover? maybe follow up with a bit of laundry soap in hot water (works for taking wet paint out of carpet.. yep he did it)

  9. Hey, we're going thru the same stuff. The kids think they're BIG kids you know what I mean.

  10. Oh wow! It's amazing how quickly they can destruct things! He is such a cutie pie!

    If ya'll ever pass through this way on your way to a football game or something ya'll will have to come visit us.

  11. So funny....only they could look so cute getting into trouble!

  12. LOL....Oh, do I hear ya'! My newly turned four year old has been this way since he was about two. It's his personality. He is into everything, all the time. Now, though, I can't imagine him any other way! My nine year old has always been very calm and never got into anything. He is highly amused by his little brother. He always says, "it would be so boring if Tyler wasn't crazy!". lol

  13. My son likes to empty the new roll of toilet paper and then throw it away. He also like to use scissors and cut his shirt into a bunch of pieces as wel as his bed sheet. Boys!!!

    P.S. Have you or are you going to find out what you are having? Curious minds like to be nosey. hehe

  14. What a precious mischief maker you have on your hands!

  15. I am quite impressed! He looks so darn cute!

  16. Try WD40, I've gotten polish off carepte with it.


  17. OH NO! I think my heart would have stopped when I came across both of those situations:o

  18. Yikes! They really seem super sweet though... how can you get mad at that face :)

    ps... when (or are you) going to find out the sex of the baby? I've been checking everyday thinking you should find out soon... I found out with my 2 around 20 weeks. Anyway, just being nosey.


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