Wednesday, September 3, 2008


This ones for you Nat!

We were talking today about babies heads being big (and in Lauren's case small!). This isn't the best picture of my kids but it makes me laugh everytime I see it. I'm not sure what Lathan's problem was but I'm pretty sure Lauren was just scared Lathan was going to eat her!

Lathan & Lauren (7-19-06 almost 3 months old)

At the time Lathan was a little over 8lbs and Lauren was 6 1/2lbs. Crazy that they were less than 2 OUNCES apart in weight at birth and that Lauren was actually born the longest of the three (by 1/4 of an inch). It didn't take long at all for Lathan to pass her WAY up!

(Currently Lathan is a good 10lbs heavier than Lauren!)


  1. I remember that picture! Too funny :)

  2. Hilarious! Thanks for posting! I guess Avery takes after Lathan:)


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