Thursday, September 13, 2007


A big day for the trio as far as baths go...they have officially graduated to the BIG bathtub! Since they've been home we've always used the infant tubs lined up in a row for baths. We've tried a couple of times to ditch the infant tubs but the babies usually go bananas and try to climb out without them. They've always done pretty well one a time in the big tub but that is a waste of precious time when I'm home alone. So today, I tried again and this time had success!

They started out each with their own space...

But very quickly gathered on one side and just climbed and crawled over each other the entire "session"!

We seem to be in a very mischeivious stage right now, with Logan being the leader. This morning, Lathan and Lauren were asleep and Logan thought that I was too. He carefully slipped off the bed, toddled into the bathroom and SHUT THE DOOR!!! Not sure what he was planning and I didn't give him anytime to start before I jumped up and caught him! And after their bath, when I went to get diapers, I left a CLOSED bottle of baby powder on the bed. When I came back (not even 10 seconds later) this is what I found! At least they smelled good!!!

This evening we met Daddy up at Toys R Us. The trio was due a good prize (they've had shots, they're teething, they've started walking, and plus they've been EXTRA cute here lately) and a good thing about being a multiple is that everyone's prize can be pooled to get something really good!

I tried for this...
Jump 'n Slide Bouncer

But Daddy said no (I should have played the preemie card). We did end up with something extra cool though (and it will fit a little better in our living room!), the Naturally Playful Kangaroo Climber

It should provide lots of fun and I now have until Christmas to sell Daddy on the Jump N Slide Bouncer!!!

After our purchase...

We went to dinner at The Black Eyed Pea...YUMMY!

Logan, Grammie, Lathan & Aunt Pammie

Lathan's thoughts on eating lemons...

Daddy and His Little Girl

That's all for now - we're got some molars coming in that make for restless nights and I hear Lauren calling me now!


  1. Who needs the park?? We're going to the Guinn's house when we're down there Thanksgiving!

  2. Patty, you must have only the best for your babies (& lovely wife)! I vote for the purchase of the jump&slide right away!

  3. And I thought I was the only one who played the preemie card to get things. I have done this with Frank so many times, he now will look at me and roll his eyes.
    I hope you got some sleep. My girls didn't sleep at all, so I am looking forward to nap time today.
    Kimberly and the GA Guinn Trips

  4. Love the new toy! I can't wait for Mr. Jason to come try it out tonight! The box was pretty fun too.

  5. What fun! I think the definitely need that jump and slide to add to their playground!

  6. How fun and they're getting more cute everyday! Please be careful with baby powder as it can really cause some lung issues if inhaled. (Just in case you didn't know already)

  7. absolutely precious! those bath pictures are amazingly cute! i did happen to notice that lathan (i think)has 2 moles on his back (at least thats what i think they are..). my son has a big mole on his back too, and the doctors want it removed...will lathan need it removed as well? the thought of removing my sons scares me because it is right on his spine and is just so big. I hate to think of the scar it would be.

  8. Haven't you heard? Baby powder is just as dangerous as a loaded gun!! Sorry you didn't get the mommy memo! (geez!)

  9. I think you should just take everything out of your house because obviously you let them do things you know are going to hurt them! :)

  10. Baby powder....hmmmmm.....I'm thinking they were getting a jump start on Halloween and getting spooky! : ) The bath pictures are priceless! What really melted my heart were the pictures of daddy & his little girl. I can see there is a real soft spot for Lauren and vice versa. Precious pics all around....I'm thinking with the outfits you should take pics on the side too. The babies really must have the jump & slide toy! ;)

  11. Your trio getting into the baby powder is classic!!! You simply amaze me at your ability to get good photos while trying to care for your triplets. I feel like I'm losing my mind with one crawler, and here you are with 3 toddlers - getting every priceless shot on camera. :-) LOVE reading your blog! I hope you all start getting more sleep soon...

  12. what an absoulately adorable family!!!! Good for you for documenting all this!!!!!


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