Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Meeting the Bolline's

This blogging business sure is cool!

Today we got to meet the Bolline's...a family that I "met" through blogging earlier this year. When Lindsey commented on my blog for the first time, her twins were still in the NICU - the same NICU where our trio spent their first few weeks/months. Her babies were born 101 days early and Andrew, like Logan, had been diagnosed with a grade IV brain bleed (which is I think what really connected Lindsey and me). She had been told, just like we had, that a bleed that severe could lead to severe handicaps later on down the road. I was very happy to report to her that Logan, being about 8 months old at the time, was developing completely normal and was in fact, the strongest of our three. Both Logan and Andrew continue to amaze their Mommies in all that they've overcome!!!

Even though we had swapped stories and exchanged emails, we had never actual met in person - until today. The Bolline's live about 1 1/2 hours away from us but were in town for a doctor's appointment. We made plans to meet for lunch at Fuddruckers...

The Guinn's and The Bolline's

The Guinn's checking out the Bolline Boys!

Adam and Andrew...such PRECIOUS little boys!!!

Lindsey was just like I thought she would be...a genuinly sweet person and super Mom. And not only did we get to meet Lindsey and her boys, but HER wonderful Mom joined us (and treated us!) to lunch...THANK YOU!

So who are we going to meet next??? Elle and Hunter...you guys sure are close!!!


  1. You all have been busy. I hope you're all getting ready for your big trip this weekend!!

  2. I love the way they are checking your guys out in the restaurant. Sooo cute!

  3. We live in Austin! Let's meet one of these days! We are Porter and Abigail and we are 17 months old.

  4. Awww, we'd love to meet you!! We were actually in Houston before we left on our Europe trip in June! One of these days!!


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