Saturday, July 7, 2007

Well this year's fourth of July sure was better than last!

July 4, 2006 is the day that we had to give Logan back to the NICU. He had only been home for 3 days but his projectile vomiting had become continuous and he was no longer wetting diapers. By the time we got him back to the hospital he had already lost over a pound (which was HUGE considering he considering he only weighed 6lbs at the time) and didn't even look like himself. He was immediately hooked back up to all kinds of pumps and IV's and would later be diagnosed with Pyloric Stenosis. It took 2 days to get him stable enough for surgery and then on the 6th they went in to repair the stenosis and to repair 3 hernias.

Here he is getting checked back in to the NICU, poor baby...

THIS July 4th, we hung out together as a family, marched in a parade, had lunch at Granny & Grandpa's and then went to a festival and fireworks at night. We had so much fun!!!


  1. It is just amazing how far they have come in a year! I love the decorations on the choo-choo wagon! You are so creative!
    Kimberly and the Georgia Guinn Trips

  2. Lathan dancing to the music is just too precious! They were so cute in the parade - enjoying all the attention of the crowd, and their float was adorable. What a perfect holiday - certainly much better than last year!


  3. Glad we could all spend it together this year with all 3 babies at home!

  4. Wish we could have been there with all of you :( It certainly looks like this year was MUCH better than last year!!!!!!!!!!

  5. We loved the video and are glad that this July 4th was vastly preferable to last (it was for us, too, big time, but I still need to post about how we spent the day).

    Meanwhile, I just tagged you for a crazy 8 meme...see our blog for details!

  6. Love the pictures! They're so beautiful!


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