Sunday, January 14, 2007

Cool Babies

I just love our babies...they fit right in with everything Patrick and I love. They sleep in, love to watch Friends (our new favorite for car rides) and enjoy going out to eat. On Saturday night, we went to Guadalajara with Grandpa & Grandma Gonna Be.

Babies Dining on Enfamil...YUMMY!

Logan & Grandpa Study the Menu. Logan is leaning towards the fajitas

Lauren & Grandma...Lauren kept switching back to the drink menu. I think she was thinking that a Strawberry Margarita would hit the spot!
And then tonight, Patrick and I loaded up the crew and went to Jason's Deli. We brought our new highchair covers that Uncle Josh's Aunt and Uncle (Nancy & Brad) got for us. They were PERFECT and now that we can use highchairs Patrick and I can BOTH eat at the SAME TIME with BOTH hands free...WOW!

The babies were so good (as usual) that we let them try some ice cream. (Actually Logan had a bite on my birthday but I don't think he remembered!)

Lauren get one last try to taste...


  1. :) they are just so darn cute! Loved Lauren's face. She wasn't so sure about that ice cream!

  2. Adorable! I thought my life was busy with twins. But then again you just do what you have to do. That's what I'm always telling other's as I'm sure you do as well.

  3. Love love love the face that Lauren does for ice cream! She was determined to NOT take a bite. (that girl is going to be feisty!)

    But now you're just showing off. I mean whose babies sleep in and behave so well out in's just not fair! (I'll let it slide since you've definitely paid your dues in the early days!).

    They're just so cute and those cheeks!!! I could make a meal off of those things!


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