Friday, October 19, 2007


Twice a year, Mom's of Multiples puts on a huge sale where members can sell their used clothes and toys. A few weeks ago, I participated in my second sale. I always have a tough time sorting through everything and deciding what to sell... I want to keep it ALL! But since we don't have enough room (and because it would just be silly to hoard it all), I pick out my favorites and then load up the rest. With the money we make from our old toys and clothes, we buy the babies new toys and clothes.

I made up my mind a long time ago that this time, instead of a bunch of little toys, the babies would be getting one big one...a Jump Slide Bouncer!

It finally arrived on Tuesday and we were able to inflate it and play...

At first I couldn't get the babies off of it to blow up up...

I was able to get Logan and Lauren distracted but Lathan wouldn't budge. I went ahead and turned on the blower (which inflates the bouncer in less than a minute). Wonder what Lathan was thinking on his ride! One minute he's on the floor, next thing he knows he's rising to the ceiling!

Once they got over the noise from the blower, they couldn't get enough of this thing!
It was MUCH bigger than I had expected!!!
I threw some of the extra balls in from our old ball pit (the one that Spongebob kindly destroyed when he mistook it for his litter box!).

Lathan taking a break to play on our other new toy...
Logan's turn!
Logan playing gate keeper!
And the best part is, the whole thing folds down nicely and fits into this duffel bag!!!
Bouncing all afternoon = AWESOME naps!!!
And just a funny for the day...

Logan refused to keep his zipper zipped and wore his jacket like this all day...

I think we'll start calling him Larry instead of Logan!!!


  1. That inflatable slide is awesome!!! I'm glad you showed us it's Little Tykes so we know where we can get it. As always, adorable pictures!!

  2. Sweet! How do you have room for that? I was wondering(have asked already but maybe you missed it) How do you have your playare set up? Is it a part of the living room?

  3. Ok Sarah... When the twins are bigger and Aiden is walking I'm coming to your house for bounce sessions.. LOL

    I love that thing.. Oh i can't wait for us to have a house, these kids will love that thing

  4. YES i am a dork... as i am here thinking that i typed a comment earlier and called you Sarah...

    Sorry, the visiting nurse had just arrived, Aiden just work up and I had to wake up Riley.. i was trying to finish and my mind (as you can imagine) is not all there.. LOL

    Sorry Steph..



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