Friday, October 5, 2007

Disney Day 6


We got a late start to the parks today...Lathan was up all night not feeling well so we slept in a little to recoup.

The weather this week has been pretty nasty. Either pouring down rain or hot and muggy; today was no exception. That didn't keep us from having fun though!

We arrived at MGM just in time for lunch. We ate at the Prime Time Cafe, a restaurant that was 50's homestyle (your waiter acts like your parent, serves homecooked meals, and there are tv's all around with black and white tv shows)!

Lathan & Grammie at lunch

Nice manners Logan!

Aunt Pammie sharing her milk shake with Lauren

Logan's face when he saw the milk shake!

Finally, we found something to eat other than chicken fingers! The babies actually ate vegetables (probably for the first time this week...though they've had PLENTY of fruit!)

Lathan still wasn't feeling well at lunch and he ended up falling asleep

Emmy & Uncle Patty on their way to ride Rockin Rollercoaster

Logan, Lauren & Lathan

Lathan getting kisses from Aunt Pammie

The grownups all took turns riding the roller coasters and then we took one last ride on the monorail over to the Magic Kingdom to finish off our vacation.

Pushing the triplet stroller up the wet, slippery hill...

Entering the Magic Kingdom one last time...

Lathan & Daddy

We rode Winnie the Pooh, The Haunted Mansion and It's a Small World.

We actually rode It's a Small World 3 times (6 total this trip) because it was a clear favorite of all four babies (the Nemo ride at Epcot came in at a very close second).

It never got old seeing the trio's faces light up when they got in the Small World boat...

Lots of clapping and dancing...

On the verge of crazy excited!

Logan & Mommy

Logan, Lathan & Lauren

It rained on our way out of the park so I wasn't able to get any pictures, but its still officially over...Daddy promises we'll be back in 2009!

We had the best time this week. I knew the babies would have fun, but I never imagined they'd have this much fun. This was my 9th trip to Disney in the past 7 years (not counting all of the times we went when I was a kid) and the magic has never worn off. I knew the babies had it in their blood...I just didn't think at such a young age they'd have so much of it! This just proves, you're never to young or old for Disney World!


  1. I think the babies (all 4) could have stayed on It's a Small World for days and never tired of it - they seemed to get more excited with each trip. It was amazing to see their faces light up on rides, seeing characters and the whole Disney experience!

  2. Didn't Patrick promise in 2009 you all were going to take me too???

  3. Emmy and I had so much fun with all of you on the trip! Definitely never too young for Disney...Emmy LOVED it all. Now I just have to figure out how to stimulate her that way back home!

  4. Looks like a GREAT trip! I'll have to try and convince Scott that we need to take Cooper!

  5. the babies (Emmy too) really did enjoy it I can see it in there faces and I was thinking that a 4 month old would be too young to go to disney!!!
    well baby Emmy certainly proved me wrong.
    Lauren logan and lathan will have plenty of memories of this trip

  6. So glad you had a great trip!

  7. YEAH!!!! I agree you really are never too YOUNG OR OLD!!! Glad you had soooo much fun! What a BLESSING!!!

  8. Have a safe trip back to Texas. Im worn out just looking at the pics! I cant imagine how tired ya'll are.
    Rest up!
    Shannon in Austin

  9. You guys look like you had a blast! You must still be alseep from all that fun, since you have posted in a while.

    We may have to meet you guys down there in 2009

    Kimberly and the GA Guinn Trips


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