Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Sweet baby boy woke up on his 6 week birthday and smiled! He also did it later on in the day while Lauren was talking to him. Just precious :)

Still haven't gotten the real deal on camera (I keep catching the end of it) but I'm sure there will be lots more to come.

At 6 weeks old, London can hold his head up for a few seconds at a time (he is very strong), he turns his head when he hears our voices, he is starting to follow toys, likes his vibrating bouncy seat, LOVES to be swaddled and rocked, will nurse or take a bottle (thankfully very flexible), weighs just over 9lbs and is a complete joy to be around. We love you London!!!

People always ask who he looks like...LATHAN!!! He even has alot of the same characteristics of Nay Nay. He takes a paci, doesn't really like to swing (unlike Lauren and Logan who slept in their swings until they were almost 18 months old!), he's a great sleeper, loves to cuddle and sometimes the faces he makes are identical to those that Lathan used to make.


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