Saturday, March 14, 2009


My babies are sick...ALL OF THEM :(

London started feeling bad at the beginning of the week, followed by Lathan and then Lauren last night. Since the weekend was approaching and no one seemed to be getting better we made a trip in to see Dr Savrick.

Waiting for the elevator feeling puny...

Girl Scout Cookies perked them up a little though! (Yep, they're in their pj's! It takes a lot of planning to get out the door these days so throwing in an unexpected trip to the med center with little time to prepare meant that we had to prioritize. It was cold and rainy today anyway and if I had been given the choice, I would have stayed in my jammies too!)

Lathan - Sinus Infection
Lauren - The beginning of ear infections
London - A virus. He had to have blood work since he was so young and because the doctor didn't want to put him on an antibiotic unless she absolutely had to (the triplets, Logan especially, were very concerned and ticked at the nurse who hurt their baby brother!). His white blood count was good, his ears were clear and so was his throat and he hasn't had fever since last night...hopefully he's on the mend.
Logan - We didn't schedule an appointment for Logan because he hadn't shown any signs of being sick. Just to be safe, Dr Savrick checked his ears and throat though and said they looked good. We were crossing our fingers that he didn't catch anything the others had but tonight, right before bed, he started running a fever...darn it.


  1. I'm going to need them to feel better very soon. Maybe they don't know that Aunt Pammie is on Spring Break... could you let them know?! :)

  2. Poor babies :( It is no fun having a sick one...much less FOUR sick ones. London is way too tiny to have to feel bad :( Give them all kisses from Aunt JuJu, Uncle Josh, and Emmy.

    Josh likes that everyone (including Patrick) is wearing stripes. He said it was the "stripiest" picture he had ever seen :)

  3. Oh no, I hope that your trio+1 are feeling better now!!!

  4. Cutest sick babies I've ever seen. Hope they're ALL better soon!!!


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