Friday, April 20, 2007

Logan and other news...

Poor little Logan has been sick all week. The boys both had fever Monday night, but it turned out to be nothing for Lathan. Logan, however, just wasn't acting right on Tuesday and began throwing up Tuesday night. (Hence the towel on Daddy's lap!)

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He woke up fine on Wednesday, but his fever was back by late that evening. We scheduled him a doctor's appointment for Thursday even though once again he woke up fever free and playing pretty much like normal.

Logan was accompanied by the whole gang to his appointment.

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He found his picture on the Wall Of Fame in the hallway of the pedi office.

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Turns out the little guy has an ear infection. Our first one for the whole group EVER...I'm impressed! The doctor was very sweet and even offered to check out Lathan & Lauren just to be safe. All ears, except Logan's right, looked perfect. Like Patrick told her, 1 out of 6 ain't bad (Logan might disagree!).

She was filling in for our regular pedicatrician and asked us what prescriptions Logan had been on lately. She was very pleased to hear that we hadn't needed ANY prescriptions since our NICU days. We can't believe how lucky we are!

We were sent home with some Bubble Gum medicine and he already seems to be feeling better. Way to go Loggie!

And I feel the need to post some pictures from last weekend and this past week before I get too far behind.

Last Friday, I took the babies up to visit our pals at The Woodlands High School. Lauren felt honored to be the first of the trio held by our favorite Principal, Mr. Colschen. He's an amazing guy and Lauren must have sensed that. When he went to hand her over for someone else to hold, she grabbed on to his shirt and wouldn't let go!

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After the school visit, we headed off to Toys R Us. I recently found a Christmas gift card that hadn't been used and even though their birthday is/was coming up, I thought they deserved some more toys! Besides by the time their birthday rolls around, they'll probably be sick of these new ones anyway! We had a great time, just the 4 of us, but it became comical as I added more and more things to the stroller. I rearranged the babies, was carrying as much as possible and trying to manuever the "not so light" stroller one handed, through the store and towards the cashier.

Not far from the checkout, I saw a container of balls and since they were in the babies' colors (pink, green and blue), I couldn't resist. Only problem was I didn't have any room left in the stroller or my arms. I tried to get each baby to hold their own ball which was a mistake. Balls were flying out of our stroller left and right. I was chasing them all over the store and as soon as I would get one "secured" another baby would throw theirs out. Luckily the balls fit in a bag for my trip through the parking lot!

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On Saturday, Grandma & Grandpa came out for a visit. We went to lunch at Brooklyn Bagel (one of my favorites) and then to Houston Garden Center for Patrick to get some new plants for our yard.

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On Sunday, Grammie took the trio to her house so that Mommy and Daddy could look for the bottom of theirs. We got a lot done and hope to get even more done this weekend when she takes them again! Its so nice having her so close by and we love the fact that her house is 100% babyproofed! She shuts off the doors to the bedrooms, has completely rearranged her kitchen and shelves, removed any questionable furniture and has more toys at her place than we probably do at ours! She even has a stash of baby food and formula (along with spoons, bottles & diapers) so there's nothing for us to pack when we visit! She sent me pictures of their playdate last Sunday but I haven't uploaded them yet. I'll update them soon.

Since Logan was sick we didn't get out much but we did go to Papadeaux's with the Pool's on Wednesday night...YUMMY!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket I think I'm caught up and ready for the weekend!!!


  1. Sorry your little Logan is sick, I hope he is feeling better soon!

    Looks like you guys had a great trip to Toys R Us!

  2. Sorry to hear one of your boys has an ear infection... my daughter just had her 8th and each one is no fun. Hope he gets to feeling better soon.

    Oh and you rock for getting out to Toys R Us on your own! You should really be a poster mom for multiples.

  3. I get exhausted reading about your trip to Toys R Us, and then seeing the 3 wagons...WOW! Oh, and the big stroller! I just can't imagine 3 babies!

    I hope Logan feels better soon! It's great that neither of the other ones caught anything...I can only imagine what 3 sick babies would be like...ugh...

  4. You are amazing! (And your kiddos are pretty cool too.)

  5. Hope the ear infection clears up quick! Love all the photos!

  6. I hope Loggie feels better.
    You guys are sure busy. Look at all the fun you have!
    Isn't Grandma the BEST! Grammy comes over and cleans our house because Mommy *me* is too busy with Serena and Edwin. The worst is when she offers to take care of them and I HAVE to clean!!! When I have a break from feeding/holding/playing I want to rest not clean! Wow how'd you do it with three? You rock!

  7. Boy, you win the Mommy Diva Shopping award of the year! That stroller/shopping cart pic is the best!!! LOL

    Hunter has already been through his first ear infection at 4 months old! He had the same fever that would come and go and when I took him in they said it was an ear infection. 10 days of amox and he was a new boy! (Actually he was feeling 99% better by day 4 of the meds) - Hoping the same is true for Loggie!

    Oh check out my blog to see Hunter's latest onesie creation... haha

  8. kimberly and the guinn girlsApril 22, 2007 at 7:51 PM

    Glad to hear Logan is okay. The shopping trip was so funny. I can't wait to get to this stage with my guys.

  9. Ear infections are the pits! My little Landen has had so many he ahs had tubes put in his ears on March 1st, what a differnce they had made, my goodness! I hope he is recovering well!


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