Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Growing Up

Within the past two weeks Logan and Lauren have started to clap and pretty much do it all the time. (Escecially Logan, if he get excited, does something good, or hears music!)

Logan Clapping

Lauren can stand unassisted pretty easily. Most often its when she isn't paying attention and just lets go of whatever she was holding on to. Of course she turns to jello when I try and film her!

Lauren Standing (for a few seconds in the video though she can go longer!)

And Lathan has mastered the new walker toy that we bought last week. Shouldn't be too much longer and he'll be walking on his own!

They're just so much fun!!!!!!!!


  1. They're getting so grown up! Enjoy your last day with 11 month old babies!!

  2. So very grown up! Thanks for sharing all your videos and pictures on here. It really helps those of us that are not as fortunate to get to see them growing up every single day in person...I can't wait to see you all this weekend for the big birthday party! They have come so very far in the past year!!!!!

    Hugs and kisses...
    Aunt JuJu

  3. Oh boy! I know you're planning planning planning like mad for the party! (as I did 2 weeks ago!) Have a beautiful weekend and take tons of pics and post tons of pics!!!!
    Happy birthday to you Logan.
    Happy Birthday to you Lauren.
    Happy birthday to you Lathan.
    Get reallllllly messy with your cakes ok???
    Shannon in Austin

  4. Congrats to each one of them, I love that Logan claps,& claps, & claps it's the cutest! All three of them are so adoreable, thank you for sharing

  5. Happy Birthday Guinn Triplets. It has been so amazing watching you three grow. You all have amazing parnets!

  6. Thank you for sharing your kiddos with us out here in bloggie world! They sure are cute!


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