Thursday, February 15, 2007


We had a great time last night. Grammie kindly offered her babysitting services and gave Patrick and I the night off. We were laughing when we got home, thinking about how last year for Valentine's/Patrick's Birthday we had a private room at Jaspers with a big group of family and friends and ate something crazy like a 10 course meal, with lots of drinks (my drink of choice being Sprite due to my triplet pregnancy, but Patrick put away enough bourbon with the two of us), and fancy deserts. This year we went to Chili's, had a coke and a water and finished the night off with a stop to Kroger's to pick up baby food! We talked the whole night about how much we loved the babies and how we couldn't believe how lucky we are. When we got home we couldn't resist and sort of woke them all up (Lauren and Lathan were already stirring) and had a late night play time. We are so incredibly blessed and love how much the little things make us so happy these days!

Little things like babies learning to stand up!

Lauren, Lathan & Logan (Logan is watching tv AND that's talent!)

Logan...this is by far his most favorite toy. He is very territorial when it comes to "his" table and has been known to yell and push the others off if he isn't in the sharing mood!

Lathan, Lauren & Logan (He is sharing for the moment, he may have not realized they were standing there yet!!!)

Look ma' hands!!! (ALMOST!!!)


  1. Sounds like mine and my husbands dinner night outs. All we talk about are the twins. Isn't it wonderful how the Lord works.

    God Bless!

  2. Definitely some amazing blessing you have! I can't believe how much they are growing in between my visits! See you guys tonight :)

    Aunt JuJu

  3. Your babies are so precious. It is obvious that you and Patrick are amazing parents. I love checking in on your blog.

    Sally Allen

  4. Cute post. I've been watching the triplettes for awhile. I have twins. Just wanted to comment. Such beautiful kiddos. The pics/videos are great. I still cant get over your friend with the quads and then the toddler!!! And I thought I had a heard time at the store. That woman deserves a medal. 'course, dont we all.
    Shannon in Austin

  5. I do not know if I have ever commented or not. But, in case i did not, I am a nurse in a neonatal ICU in Tennessee. I think your babies have thrived so wonderfully because they have such a great mom and dad. I love the videos, hearing your loving voice as you speak with them is heartwarming. The no-no head shaking video was so funny. I hope you know that through your blog, I have so bonded with your family. I take a look everyday. All five of you are so blessed.

  6. Those are some precious ones!! I have triplets 2 years older than yours...BBG. Hang on, it is an INCREDIBLE ride!

  7. i stumbled on this blog from another friend's site. oh. my. goodness! your three darlings are precious. what a story. three amazing blessings from the Lord!

  8. The kids are so darned cute and we love the Valentine's photo!!

  9. The onesies are so cute. Where do you get all of them? I love the ones that said gobble, gobble gobble.


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