Thursday, February 1, 2007

About A Boy...

Logan is our little comedian, he almost always has a smile on his face. Even though he smiles the most its sometimes hard to get a good picture of him. Once he sees the red light come on with the flash he freezes up and does funny things with his eyebrows. He's also always on the go so we tend to have more video than stills of him.

He is by far the most active of the three and literally has no fear (except the faucet in the bathtub...go figure). He's fallen off the bed and laughed, knocked his head on toys and kept going, and seems to always be in to things he shouldn't be. Now that he is so mobile we really have to watch him!

His new thing is to stand up. He can pull himself up but once he gets on his feet he doesn't really know what to do. He'll either yell until someone gets him or more frequently he just lets go and falls down, and then of course gets back up and does it again!

He is a really sweet baby but he is also the biggest thief of them all, pacifiers being his biggest target. He doesn't like pacifiers but he can't stand for anyone else to have one. Many a nights we hear Lathan crying only to find his paci in Logan's mouth. We'll give Lathan his paci back and have even given Logan a paci of his own. Wait 5 minutes and Logan's back after Lathan's! Same with toys, especially in the car when the babies are all within reach. Logan just takes what he wants!

He is such a character. Play this video and turn up the volume. You'll hear the squirrel like sound he makes when he eats!

And his head is unbelievably ticklish. He goes nuts when I wash his hair!

We are so thankful for Logan and his easy going demeanor. He makes our days so much fun!!!


  1. I came across your blog through Serena and Edwin's!

    Your story is amazing and your babies are beautiful...Three little miracles!

  2. What would we do without our Logey? He's always such a fun boy to be around!!

  3. I miss those babies...It will be hard to stay at work until 2 today!!! See you all tonight! Love you bunches :)

    Aunt JuJu

  4. Hey Guinn's,
    It's kimberly Guinn. I was wondering how you liked those sit in the chair high-chairs? I am looking to get some and I am short on room. Email me at

    Thanks, Kimberly


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