Monday, February 5, 2007

First Superbowl Weekend

Our first Superbowl Weekend turned out to be a great one! Aunt JuJu came in town and she and Grammie watched the babies on Saturday so that Mommy and Daddy could get some things done around the house. Instead Mommy and Daddy ended up falling asleep and wasting the day, but got some much needed rest (the babies were up sick all night Friday night and we didn't go to bed until around 5am). Then, Saturday night, Mr Pool took us all out to dinner at Cafe Express.

Logan & Aunt JuJu at Cafe Express

On Sunday we met up with Kurt and Natalie for lunch at Jason's Deli. We gave the babies ice cream again and just like before, Lathan and Logan loved it. Lauren on the other hand preferred not to put it in her mouth but had a great time putting her fingers in it!

Logan & Kurt

Lauren & Natalie

Lauren and her ice cream

After lunch we headed home for a quick nap (and bath) and then we were off to our first Superbowl Party! The Wilson's had us over for Gumbo and for the first time we got to meet Mr Rick...we had a great time!

Logan & Mr Rick

Lathan & Mr Steve

Logan & Mrs. Harriett

Mrs. Harriett taught Logan how to play pool...

Lauren & Mr Rick

That's all for now, the babies are awake and ready for lunch!!!


  1. I just found your blop and wanted to say your triplets are precious!!! I saw that Jason's Deli container and it made me wonder if ya'll are from Austin?

    God bless,
    Elle & Hunter

  2. Those babies are so adorable!!! This is my first time here. What a sweet blessing to have triple the baby love!

  3. Looks like you all had a great time at the Superbowl party! I know I had a wonderful time spending the weekend with you guys. I'm still thinking I could have taken Lauren home with me and you wouldn't have known for several hours :) Love you all! Hugs and kisses!
    Aunt JuJu


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