Monday, February 5, 2007


The trio is working hard on gaining weight.

We've started giving the babies three meals a day of baby food (bottles in between). A typical meal consists of a meat/veggie combo and a fruit or dessert. Usually during the lunch or breakfast get together they'll split either a banana or a diced fruit cup. At every meal they get the Gerber Puffs and today we added scrambled eggs. What does that all add up to???
In one week (7 days) they consume...

* 6-7 Large (24oz) cans of Enfamil formula
* 126 jars of level 2 baby food (2 jars per baby, per meal, although sometimes more. Logan has been known to require an extra jar and we don't hold him back!)
* About 5 bananas
* A couple of fruit cups
* And a whole lot of Puffs...a can only lasts about 2 days (though most doesn't end up in their mouths, instead we find them all over the floor, in their clothes, their hair and yes, even in their diapers?!!?)

All 126 jars (7 days worth) takes up a lot of space so the most we ever buy for is 5 days at a time. Here's what 5 days of baby food (90 jars)looks like...

(If you're ever in need of empty glass jars, you know who to call!!!)

And I thought this was funny. A lot of times in the afternoons, I'll turn on the music and dance with the babies. If I'm fixing their food they'll all sit in their chairs and usually kick their legs and smile while I dance for them. On this particiular day however, they all looked at me like I was nuts. (Lathan seems a little entertained but watch Logan...I really think he thought I was losing it!)


  1. Is it normal to have oantry envy? Wow - that's a lot of food to go through, but double WOW - you are soooo organized!

    And those babies really are adorable. Even when they think you are off your rocker. :)

  2. oops - I meant "pantry" envy. :O The 2yo clicked a button before I was done. :)

  3. Hi! My name is Stacie and I am the mother of twin boys! I am so jealous of your pantry has baby food and our food just mixed all together. I have to say, you definitly inspire me to do better! Your little ones are just as cute as they can possibly be!! :-)

  4. You do have a pretty organized pantry :) I find it very humerous the expressions on the kids face as you dance. How do they react to you DDRing all day long? I'm still convinced you have a lot of practice with that game :)

  5. I'm VERY jealous of your organized pantry too! It's just not right, but I guess you have to be organized when you have triplets.

    You're the woman that no one wants to get behind in the grocery store line. I used to feel that way too and I was only buying for TWO!

    I haven't had a chance to watch the video b/c I'm at work! Can't wait to though.

  6. Wow, just look at all those (organised!) jars! I'm not sure how you do it, but the kids are looking soooo happy, well done :) and I LOVE your photo of the three of them with ribbons, too cute!

  7. I remember the Delmonte days! I love that brand. Gerber gave one of my twins an allergic reaction. I miss those days when Delmonte would make the food for me, enjoy it now my friend, later they'll want your cooking and you have to remind yourself that you can't feed them the unhealthy food you're used least that was my problem. :)

    I did save the little food bottles though, I used them for their baptism as party favors. We cleaned them out, took off the label and spray painted the tops and painted a little cross on the top and added glitter. I made a label to resemble a gerber product that said their names and baptism date. They were a huge hit....of course they were filled with candy so that also helped!

    I haven't watched the video yet either (darn work and loud speakers) I'm a new reader to your blog so I'll try to catch up soon!

  8. I thought I was the only crazy mom that danced for my child! I am so glad to know I am not alone!... And yes like every one else said I only have one and I 'm not that organized!.... well okay I am in pictures!lol
    Love You Guys!


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