Monday, December 17, 2007

The Tooth

Patrick had taken the day off today so that we could take the little ones to their follow up audiology appointments. Instead we took Lathan to his very first dentist appointment!

His tooth really seems to be causing him a lot of discomfort, especially at night, and he hasn't been eating very well. We weren't able to see the dentist we were hoping too (he's not in our plan and even though Patrick tried all different ways to make it work, insurance wouldn't budge) but luckily we found a one who could see us and who could see us immediately.


He just seems to be uncomfortable...

X-Rays showed exactly what we thought had happened...his front tooth (which used to be in line with his other front tooth) has been jammed back up into his gums. Thankfully the tooth is still in one piece so it should "erupt" on its own, it just may take a while.

We were also given a cream to put on the cut inside his lip (it isn't healing like it should) and were told to watch the tooth. If no problems arise, we don't need to be seen for another 6 months...we're keeping our fingers crossed!!!


  1. Poor baby boy!!! I hate that he is still feeling badly.

  2. So sad for little Lathan :( I hope he stops hurting really soon.

  3. rub some whisky on it...not only will help the pain but might help him sleep better too. Maybe he'll share some with you!!! :) Oh, is that wrong to do??

    No, seriously, I hope the little guy starts to feeling better! All he wants for Christmas is tooth back to normal!!

  4. Oh Stephanie, I'm so sorry this happened to poor little Lathan. My oldest daughter had an accident shortly after her second birthday and her front tooth was jammed way up in her gums to the point I thought it got knocked completely out. It was bad. She ended up having little braces and was able to keep the tooth. It was sad, and I so know what you mean about a LOT of BLOOD. It's so hard seeing your baby get hurt. Praying for quick healing!

  5. Thinking of Lathan tonight and praying his tooth stops hurting him soon.

  6. Bless his poor little heart. I hope he starts feeling better soon!

  7. Poor lil guy. I bet that hurt super bad, and how incredibly uncomfortable it must be for him now.

  8. Poor Lathan :( Hope his tooth is feeling better.

  9. Merry Christmas! You haven't updated your blog in a long time - I hope all is well. Please check in when you can. Can't wait to see how the triplets Christmas went!

  10. Is everything ok? Or is it my computer? I have not been able to see you since Dec 7?

    Hope you just have been taking a rest.

  11. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and you are preparing to move into your new beautiful home. We start to worry about our cyber friends when they don't post. Hope all is well.


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