Friday, November 16, 2007

Day with Daddy

Daddy was off today so we took the trio out and about. First stop...Market Street's GIANT Christmas tree!

Logan found a friend!

We were hoping that the HUGE tree would distract them, but it wasn't long before Lathan noticed the water fountains

He summoned Logan and they were off!

Daddy retrieving Logan and Lauren from the water

After playing for a while, we had to load them up and head over to the doctor's office for Lathan's synagis shot. Poor guy.

As soon as we walked in, another baby was getting her shot and was pretty upset. Lathan instantly put 2 and 2 together and when we set him on the scale to be weighed he got hysterical. To make matters worse, they didn't have enough medicine on site and had to call for some more to be delivered. Luckily there was a big play area to distract him, though he kept going to the door and trying to escape!

Lathan reading a book

Lauren About to Come Down the Slide

Here she comes!!!

Backup arrived and it was time for Lathan's shot. It is a terribly large amount of medicine and apparently it stings pretty bad when injected. The amount of medicine needed depends on weight, and only a certain amount can go into one spot, so for a little guy Lathan's size, he requires 2 big shots. I had to hold him down while he got a big injection in each leg. I hated it (and I'm sure he did too!)

Lately when Lathan is gets caught doing something he shouldn't be or when he's in a situation he'd rather not be in (like when strangers get too close), he'll just shut his eyes and pretend not to be there. That's exactly what he did after his shot. Like he was trying to go to a better place...just pitiful!

So of course we headed directly over to Toys R US!

He got a Mickey Mouse DVD and some toothpaste!!!

Later we met up with Grammie at Guadalajara. Have I mentioned before how much the babies (especially the boys), LOVE hot sauce!?!!?

Lathan dipping his chip..

Logan's turn...

Silly boys!!!


  1. So... I just teared up when I saw Lathan after his shots. Poor guy!! I bet you were happy to have daddy off for the day. What fun!

  2. Poor Lathan! I wanted to with him to a better place too. It doesn't get much better than Toys R Us. Lauren's little paintbrush pigtails are just too cute.

  3. Poor Lathan. I have tears in my eyes from his little face after his shots. Give him kissers from JuJu and Emmy...we'll be there on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Oh, I hate when WE have to be the ones to hold down our little ones during a shot. They just look at us like, "Why are YOU doing this to me!?" I always want my husband to do that and I can be the "rescuer".
    Thank you for always sharing! You truly are blessd. May He continue to bless you and your family!

  5. Love their candy cane striped outfits! Very cute in front of the giant tree! Where did you get the outfits from?

    I'm always taking my cues from you when dressing little ones!

    I hope Lathan's little legs are feeling okay today after those major shots!

  6. Poor little guy! And I do mean little, I think Cade's thighs are bigger then all three of the triplet's thighs put together. I have a little fatty on my hands!

    I just might have to come visit Lathan and bring him a present for being so brave!

  7. Oh that is just so sad. That tear could break your heart. I hope the DVD and toothpaste made him feel better. I love Lauren's ballet adventures from the post before! What adorable babies!!!!

  8. Shots are no fun! You are such a sweet mommy and daddy to head to Toys R Us afterwards :)

    Love the striped outfits!

  9. Lol... Guinn babies I just love ya all!

  10. So crummy for Lathan ... but really sweet entry at the same time. Great pictures!


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