Monday, November 19, 2007

Dance Routine

Emmy's in town!!!

Aunt Ju Ju and I spent the day trying to teach the 4 babies the Soulja Boy dance. It didn't go quite as well as we had hoped, but we were able to teach them this little routine...

Lathan, Emmy, Lauren & Logan - Holiday 2007


  1. That is the cutest thing I have seen. They are all just precious.

  2. Someone's trying to get their little kiddos on Ellen with the Soulja Boy dance!! :)

    As for the elf dance they did perform...I'm very impressed considering I just met Emmy yesterday and when I saw her, she couldn't even walk. Now she can, that is one talented girl!!!

  3. Very cute! That wasn't at all what I was expecting when I clicked on the link! I was expecting some sort of headstand or highstepper trick!

  4. I agree, not what I expected. Too Cute! My 3 yr old says "look at all the babies dancing".

  5. hilarious! so cute, i tried to do it but couldn't figure out how to resize my photos... :0(

  6. thats is too cute!!! i tried it as well. lots of fun:)

  7. Lol..... too funny, what will even be funnier is when they actually do learn the soulja boy dance

  8. OMG! Too hilarious!!! Those kids just make me smile.

  9. I almost freaked the other day when I had not received a notice of a new post in my favorites box. Then i thought it might not show up if you are private. Thankfully I found my old email. yeah!
    Also, it the video below, I know I saw those boys pushing each other. How funny!

  10. I Love the Dacing Babies!! I was looking at the blog with my best friend that likes to see the babies and we just died laughing! (Kaitlyn too!) Love You guys hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!
    Mindy, Candice & Kaitlyn


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