Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Grow Lauren!!!

We've been weighing Lauren almost daily, waiting for her to hit the 20lb mark so that we could adjust her car seat and let her face the front. Today she did it (with the help of some Rocky Road ice cream and a few potato chips...whatever works!!!)


  1. Congrats Lauren!! Enjoy this time because it's the only time in your life you'll WANT to be gaining weight!!

    Enjoy facing the's what all the cool one year olds are doing these days!

  2. Yay! Now I can see your pretty face from the front seat!

  3. I have a question. Do you guys have two nurseries, a blue one and a green one. Do the boys share one and Lauren has her own?

  4. You go girl!!! But, how much does the bow weigh???

    Now the nurse in me comes out...It is only 102 degrees in Memphis, but, if we ever have winter weather again, remember that you put them in the car seat Without their coats, so they will be snug and secure.

  5. Oh that is so cute! Very creative on the picture. Yea Lauren!

  6. Love that picture of Lauren. Congrats on making 20 lbs!
    Kimberly and the GA Guinn Trips

  7. Way to go Lauren! For that I will come see you today!

  8. Way to go Lauren for making it to 20 pounds!

    And just wanted to ask mommy if she knew that it is much safer to keep them rear-facing past that one year/20 pound threshhold? For our seats they can remain rear facing up to 30 pounds. I think they'll be way too tall by the time they reach 30 pounds, but we're planning on keeping them rear-facing up until 24 months.

  9. Yah!! A Rocky Road girl, I love it! I think it's so nice when they can see where they are going instead of where they've been.

  10. Kids should be rear facing as long as possible. I have some videos on my blog showing a child rear facing and a child forward facing...might make you think twice about turning them around.


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