Thursday, June 7, 2007

Whew...glad that's over!

Yesterday was a LONG one. We didn't sleep AT ALL the night before; us or the babies. And it wasn't just one of our fun slumber parties...we had SCREAMING babies who were crying so hard they were throwing up (the boys at least). It was pitiful.

Patrick made us an appointment with Dr. Savrick and we packed up for a trip to the medical center.

We parked our baby limo in the dreaded sick kids section of the office and waited to be seen.

Lathan's BPD (chronic lung disease) has slowly but surely started to cause him problems here lately, especially now that he is so active. If he gets too excited or exerts too much energy, he begins to wheeze and has trouble catching his breath. Add to that a little respiratory bug and we are now the proud owners of a nebulizer. Lathan required a treatment in the office and is getting them every 4 hours now. We'll keep the machine on hand and be able to help him out now ANY time his asthma flares up.

Lathan getting his treatment. (The smell of the medicine brought back memories of the NICU. He used to get these treatments round the clock in the beginning. Its how he made his first buddy, the respiratory therapist, who told me how Lathan was one of his most favorite patients EVER!)

Logan and Lauren waiting patiently for their diagnosis.

We left the office with a clear reason for all of the previous night's interruptions...each baby has an ear infection. We got 6 prescriptions, including Amoxicillin for all, and three medicines for Lathan's breathing. Thank goodness for Target's color coding system!

And I'm happy to report that Lathan, Logan and Lauren are all on the mend and were a much happier bunch today!


  1. I'm so happy they are feeling better. It is so pitiful to see them sick!

  2. Glad to hear they're all feeling better. Hopefully they'll stay healthy the rest of the summer.

  3. Man - I hate those sneaky ear infections! Glad the medicine is working so quickly! I hope you are all able to get more sleep! I wish our doctor's office had a separate section for sick/well kids. Your babies are adorable even when sick! :-)

  4. Poor babies! I can't even imagine an ear infection....x3!!!!

    Glad they are on the road to recovery!

  5. We are so sorry you guys haven't been well and haven't been sleeping. It makes for some very long days and a very long week, too. Patrick had too many ear infections from early on to about 3 years of age so I know the agony of not knowing what's wrong. Blessings for a speedy recovery and back to fun!
    Love & hugs, Granny

  6. Oh mman, ear infections are thee pits and that's no lie. My son had those so frequently that he had to get tubes, and he has no had one since! If i can give you any adbice at all, the antibiotics dont just kill off the bad bacteria, it kills off some of the good too so I had to give him so other stuff so that he wasn't constantly having colds throughout the ear infection medicine, if you are curious you can email me at
    Hope they recover well and you all get some good rest!

  7. Poor little babies. Thay always look so darn happy in the pics, it's hard to imagine them not well. Glad their on the mend now. Congrats on your new business venture, I for one am very excited b/c I LOVE Lauren's bows.

  8. Kelsey, Katie & Esther wish the trio a speedy recovery so we can meet them for a play date with Aunt Pammy & maybe give mommy a break! Hope you all feel better real soon!!! : )

  9. I am glad they are on the mend, poor little babies! Poor Mom & Dad, I hope you can get some rest.


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