Saturday, June 9, 2007

Busy Babies

Last weekend was so much fun. We started it off, being treated to lunch at The Cheesecake Factory by MawMaw and Aunt Sandy...what could be better!?!?

Lathan & MawMaw Sharing Dessert

Then of course was our visit from Aunt JuJu and little Miss Emmy (scroll down a few posts if you haven't already seen pictures), and then finished off our weekend with a lunch date at Market Street with Grandma Gonna Be and Grandpa.

We had a great time hanging out with family and friends and we're hoping for more of the same this weekend!

Oh and Lauren also got her toenails repainted :)...

For this weekend, Aunt Pammie and I started the fun by taking the trio out to lunch at Chic Fil A with some friends and then making our way to the Children's Museum downtown.

Logan, Lauren & Lathan

Loggie found a buddy on the other side of the mirror!

Lathan...stuck going down the stairs!

Lathan and Aunt Pammie Dance To Get On TV

There are so many cool things for the babies to do there. There's a walkway that has different levels, cutouts, and turns, perfect for...

Pulling Up

Being Chased

And of Course Lauren's Favorite...Peek A Boo

The car was, once again, a huge hit.

Lauren Wondering What She Just Hit

Logan, Officer of the Law, Pulling Over Cowboy Lathan

Doesn't He Make A Cute Cop!!!

Lauren Loved the Live Baby Chicks

And So Did Lathan

Lauren Decided Not To Wear Her Bow, So Aunt Pammie Wore It For Her! Pretty Pammie!!!

And probably one of the coolest things about our trip to the museum today, was a surprise visit from Daddy!!!

We had so much fun and we can't wait to go back. We even bought an annual pass!!!


  1. So fun! Little Lauren is a doll even without her bow on! You're too funny with your photo captions (Lauren, wondering what she hit... LOL) That's great that the babies got a surprise visit from daddy! Do you have special plans for Father's day?

  2. That looks like a fun place, hopefully I can take the boys someday. Hope everyone is feeling better!

  3. OH...we need to go there. I've been wanting to check out the museum they have in the mall too! Have you heard anything about that one? It's definitely closer.

    I haven't been to the one downtown since Brittney was 3 or so. I always loved that place!

    Sorry to hear the babies have been sick! We have 2 nebulizers in our house. When the boys have breathing flare-ups, they each sit with their machine and can hold up the mask by themselves while watching TV. It's pathetic but it's a part of life.

    Hang in there!

  4. Love, love, love the painted toenails!! My granddaughter Lily and I are girlie girls too.

    I sometimes have to catch my breath with your great pics. Like Lathan going, (I hope not tumbling) down the red steps!!!

    Your pictures and posts make my day...

  5. Thank you for posting that picture of me wearing the bow for all the world to see. Thanks so much! Had a great time at the museum. Now we need to get our pool and zoo passes.

  6. We need a place like the Children's Museum. I bet they were pooped after all of that excitment!

  7. Your babies are soooo cute. Right now I am pregnant with triplets and I am at week 28. I love seeing how good your babies are doing.


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