Monday, June 4, 2007

Missy Moo's Baby Boutique

Take a look at Mommy's new toys!

Hotronix Auto Open Clam 6" x 6" - Commercial Heat Press


Kenmore Computerized Drop-In Bobbin Sewing Machine with 215 Stitch Functions

I'm so excited! (Actually, the sewing machine technically isn't new. It was a Christmas gift from Dennie and Christine that I'm just now really figuring out how to use. Something about having triplets makes it hard to find time for stuff like that!?!?!)

But anyway, Missy Moo's Baby Boutique is now in business! For starters its just a Father's Day onesie but soon we'll be selling other custom onesies, Lauren style hairbows, Baby Bjorn covers and much more!

Here the fabulous trio models our hip Father's Day onesie.
Check out our new store blog for more info...

Who's wants be my first customer????


  1. How fun! Best of luck with your new business adventure! LOVE the bows!

  2. Good luck, hon! I have no need for the teeny stuff anymore, but if you carry toddler sizes, I might be persuaded. I've seen some of the cute shirts you've made!

    Good luck with your business.

  3. I just e-mailed you........yahhooooo, we are your first customer and we'll be back for plenty more!!!!!

  4. When(if) I have a girl, I am totally buying those cute bows that lil miss lauren wears. I will keep checking back on the new site, good luck!

  5. Holy Moses! you're gonna be famous i just know it! :) Very cute goods!!

  6. Girl, I want your energy, or as I say, your "get up and go".....I cannot wait to see your baby stuff. But, I still think baby headbands give them a headache. LOL

  7. I won't be needing any of the baby stuff, but the first grade t-shirts for Maplebrook sure are going to be cute this year! The graphics will just have to be smaller :)

  8. I always wondered where you got the cute bows for Lauren at...Good luck.


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