Thursday, June 14, 2007


Thanks for all of your sweet comments about our very surprising news!

This was definetly not planned, though I have been trying to convince Patrick for a while now that "one more" would be so easy. We both agreed that more babies were in our future, though we both were also thinking it would be a few years from now. In fact, certain precautions were being taken to ensure that this kind of "surprise" wouldn't happen!

The truth is, I have NO information other than I'm pregnant. I have no clue how far along I am/could be.

Earlier this week, a stomach bug was attacking our house, first the babies, then me. Patrick kept kidding with me that I'd better not be pregnant, and though the thought crossed my mind, I dismissed it on Tuesday when Patrick AND Grammie came down with the same thing. I didn't really think about it again, until late yesterday...

Patrick was still off, recovering from his turn with the bug and I started to think. The last cycle I remember having was late March. It seems like I've had one since then, but for the life of me I can't figure out when that would have been. We've also tried to trace back when we might have engaged in a certain activity that would have gotten us to this point, but neither of us can come up with anything (sad, huh!!!). I also started thinking back to a couple of things that in hind sight were pretty good indications. Like last week, when I took the trio to Target and sat in my car for a good 10 minutes trying to pep myself up to unload and assemble the stroller, load the babies IN that stroller and go pick up Lathan's prescription. I was so completley exhausted that I ended up just grabbing a cart that was next to our car and loading them in there. I've also just had a strange feeling that's hard to describe, the only other time I've had it was when I was pregnant with the trio.

So that's pretty much it. I've taken 2 at home tests, both of which I've been completely shocked by. I must have read and reread that box 100 times! We contemplated no telling anyone for a while, but I just HATE keeping secrets and figured there was no sense keeping everyone in the dark! Everyone found out the same way (including our families)...via blog!

We called Dr. Kirshon's office today and are waiting to hear whether or not he'll accept us as again patients (he only accepts a limited number of patients due around the same time). I'm guessing we'll hear something tomorrow otherwise we'll start looking for someone new. Given our history of a miscarriage, preterm labor, pPROM we're not taking any chances!


  1. Very shocking, and wonderful news at once! Sometimes we just have to sit back and say, "Ok God, your turn...don't know how I'm going to do this, but I know you can!" Praying that there is not 3 more in there...that line WAS pretty dark! :) Thanks for the update...praying for you and your family!

  2. This is just a blessing. I've been thinking of you all day long...I've got all the baby stuff you have passed on to Emmy and will be getting it all back to whatever you want to use of Emmy's. I'll also be sending you your maternity clothes back with Mom this weekend. I am just so excited. Also, know that Emmy and I will be coming to town to help in whatever way that we can...both during your pregnancy when you're just exhausted and once the new baby arrives. If you ever need us, just call. Love you so much!!!

  3. Outstanding news! Go Team Guinn! Love y'all, Kurt & Nat

  4. I am shocked, but so happy for you guys! I will say lots of prayers for a long and uneventful pregnancy!

  5. Congratulations...I will add you to my prayer list! What a wonderful surprise:)

    Casey in CA

  6. Babies are always a blessing and sometimes the surprises are the best ones! Having them all so close will make it so much fun for them growing up together. With all of your and Patrick's family so close, you are lucky that you will be able to have help!

    Love and hugs!

  7. You guys were on my mind and heart all day yesterday, even while at the movies! Growing up with three sisters, two of whom were only 18 months older/younger than me made for a wonderful and blessed life having them so close. The news that you're expecting another little darling in the family is a blessing for all of us, and, it could not have happened to a nicer couple! Love to all

  8. I am sooo excited for you and your family. My mom also follows your blog and I had to call her and tell her the good news. We are praying for you and your family.

    Tanna, TX

  9. Don't you guys have a TV or something? ha ha?

    Congrats. Here's to an uneventful pregnancy.

  10. holy cow, steph!!! robert, adeline and i are so happy for you guys!

    what an exciting little(?) family you have!!

  11. OMG! Patrick and Grammy are pregnant too?!?!

    "Patrick kept kidding with me that I'd better not be pregnant, and though the thought crossed my mind, I dismissed it on Tuesday when Patrick AND Grammie came down with the same thing."

  12. Congratulations! That was shocking news. I had read your blog earlier and my daughter came up later and asked if I had read the Guinn Triplets blog with a smile on her face. We'll pray everything goes well.

  13. You are such a turbo mom, one more to the pack won't even phase you! Plus you have awesome family to support you the through the journey! I am sure that a single pregnacy will be a lot less taxing than a triple pregnancy, but I am sure that your little munchkins will keep you on your toes! Good thing is that they will keep you nice and trim!

  14. Stephanie,
    You have been on my mind since I saw your "shocking" blog. I'm keeping you in my prayers for a safe uneventful pregnancy. Kelsey is also thrilled and suggested lots of play dates with Aunt Pam so Ms. Stephanie can rest for the new baby. Lean on all your friends and family. You know they'll be here to help! : ) Best Wishes!!!!

  15. I'm so excited for you. What a blessing this will be (a busy blessing, but still a blessing)

  16. I must have checked your blog 50 times yesterday. I am so excited you decided to spill the beans about the "bean(s)" :) By far some of the best news I've read all week.

  17. Wow! Congrats! I was just catching up on your blog and was totally surprised to see this post...good luck with everything and I can't wait to hear further details.

    PS The pics of the kiddos eating spaghetti are hilarious.

  18. Bwahahahaha!!!!! How funny >> I found out I was expecting during the height of a HUGE stomach flu at our house, too!!

    Congratulations, I'm sure one will be "so much easier" but I can't say for sure ... yet. Give me another couple weeks and I'll let you know!

  19. Congratulations to all of you. When mom sent me the email to check your blog this was certainly an unexpected surprise - but of course a great surprise! We pray for your continued happiness.


  20. WOW!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING!!!! That seems to happen more often then not! Can't wait to hear your due date:) Many blessings!

  21. Don't you know sometimes the best gifts come our way by surprise. You have truly been blessed with the special trio and now you have been chosen again to bring another special spirit into this world. The Lord will provide all the necessary things while you and your families will supplement the Lords work with all the support you'll need. I apologize for being so late in responding to your late breaking news as I've been bogged down in adjusting to having my one and only serving in Iraq. This news sure helps warm my heart and put a smile on my face. Thank you so much for that. Grandma could sure use some sweet baby fat hugs and slobber kisses! God bess your growing family. You are all very special to me. Love you. Grandma


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