Friday, June 15, 2007

One Year Ago...

Finally we would get a baby that was actually "ours"!

Lathan left the NICU on June 15, 2006 and never looked back! It was one of the happiest days of my life and was the day that it finally started to seem real...we were REALLY parents!

We FINALLY had a baby to fill one of the three empty cribs waiting in our nursery

(Yes, the same three empty cribs that are pretty much permanently empty now that the trio bunks with us!)

It was funny because leaving with Lathan, we must have pulled over at least three times to get him out of his car seat to make sure he was still breathing. By the time the other two came home, we couldn't get home and away from that NICU fast enough!

He came home on 100% oxygen, on Potassium, Sodium & Diuril and conveniently equipped with an apnea monitor but otherwise a pretty health little boy!


  1. A year of no Nicu for Lathan! That's awesome. And congrats on the surprise! There's definitely very few surprises in the world that can be so wonderful!

  2. I was looking at past posts on your blog yesterday and Cody was sitting next to me. We got to a picture of the boys and Cody said, "Mommy, Mommy, look, it's Laphan" I think he was actually looking at a picture of Logan but hey, he remembered his name after only playing with him for an hour or so. He sure did love playing with Lathan!

  3. I remember that day so well. Lathan was so tiny and cuddly. I sat in the glider and rocked him for the longest time and cried when I had to leave him :(

  4. I said I wanted to make it through my heart surgery so I could see the triplets. Now, I will get to see another one- LORD WILLING!!!!!!!

    Maw Maw

  5. That was seriously one of the happiest days of my life too!! I love you Lathan!


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