Saturday, May 31, 2008


Beverly was right...their HUGE birthday surprise IS full of air. Its also full of WATER!!!

I saw this in a magazine a while back and since we love our Little Tykes Jump N' Slide Bouncer, had SO much fun on the big slide bouncer at our birthday party, AND since we had lots of gift cards to Walmart we ordered the babies one...A Little Tikes Slam n' Slide Bouncer

Getting it all set up!

Logan Climbing the RockWall

Lauren Climbing the Rock Wall

The instructions said that the slide would hold up to 350 pounds so Daddy decided to try it out...

He ended up taking the slide down with him!

(Lathan didn't like what he was seeing!)

However, after further inspection, we found a vent that was open...closed the vent and THEN Daddy tried again...SUCCESS!!!

Daddy and Lauren Getting a Dose of Vitamin D

Emmy was back today to hang out and play. Just last week Aunt JuJu was telling me that Emmy didn't like Applejuice. how do you explain this. She kept stealing the triplets' juice boxes!!!

Silly Girl!

Lathan On the Slide (which he later decided "me no like it")

Lauren Slide

Logan Slide

Emmy Slide

Emmy and Grammie Hanging Out (Lauren's just a little jealous!)

Emmy Sue leaves to go back home tomorrow...we sure are going to miss that sweet smile!

Emmy's Stay at The Guinn house wasn't all fun and games...she had chores to do just like the rest of us!!!

Emmy and Aunt Stephie in the pool

We Love You Emmy!!!!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday Night Dinner

Tonight we were back to just the five of us so we ran some errands and went out to dinner.

SOOOO Stinkin' Cute!!!

Dum Dum's for dessert (thanks to the the tellers at the bank today!)

Lauren Sharing

Daddy Being Silly!

After dinner we went to Walmart to pick up our HUGE birthday'll definitely see a post about this soon!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lots of Little Ones

Our house has been EXTRA full of babies lately...

Miss Emmy Sue is staying the week with us while her Mommy is on vacation.

Then on Tuesday and Thursday we had our Avery days.

Here's what lunch looked like today!!!

Oldest (Logan) to Youngest (Avery)

From the Front

After Avery left we broke out the Jello Pudding Snacks

Apparently bathing Miss Emmy BEFORE pudding was not a very good idea!


Good Times!!! (Minus the 26 diapers I changed in ONE day!!!)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Day At The Pool

Our new neighborhood pool opened today and we were the FIRST ones to play!

Just chillin' in their tubes!

Logan's Backstroke

Snack Time...lots of product placement in these next pictures...wonder if we'll see any advertising payments???

Lathan Dasani

Lathan Nacho Cheese Doritos

Logan Lays

Lauren Cheetos - HER Favorite

Lathan Cool Ranch - HIS favorite

Emmy Asleep

Lathan Ozarka

Lathan Cheetos

Lathan, Lauren & Logan

+ Emmy!

They didn't consume ALL of those bags of chips! We just opened a bunch and they sampled throughout the afternoon (and A LOT of them ended up on the ground of course). :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Baby Ballerina

Yesterday was Lauren's last dance class for the year.

She got a medal! (which she is VERY proud of!)

She was extra tired and clingy in the morning so this isn't her best performance, but it still makes me smile!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


This morning was Lauren's last ballet class for the year...more on that later!

After ballet we met Grammie and Lisa for lunch at Bennigan's...


Then went and visited some of our CISD friends at the admin building. We left Conroe and headed straight for Market Street!

I have a feeling these Sonic Apple Juice Slushies are going to be seen A LOT this summer...its already SO hot here!


Lathan Drink Break

Coolest Boy in Town!

Lauren being brave (on accident!!!)


Missy Moo's Drink Break

Logan and Lathan


Hudson & Lathan (Hudson's Mommy lived across the street from us when I was in elementary school...we just happened to run in to each other today!)

Lauren didn't care for the fountains all that much and had gotten back in the wagon with her towel.

Logan either wanted her wet or just out of the wagon - he succeeded in both!

* The red on Logan's back is from when his newly sunscreened back rubbed against the red Step 2 label in his Choo Choo car*

Lathan liked the wet ride though!

Lauren, Logan & Lathan

+ Emmy

Time for Ice Cream




After Market Street, we went to Grammie's for supper. Daddy met us there and carried the babies around in bags!



(It looked SO strange from the side!!!)


The End

Baby Names - Name Badge Ticker


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