Wednesday, January 21, 2009

More fun with London :)

Lauren & Lathan lovin on London

Lathan & London

Grandpa holding London for the 1st time (Lathan supervising)

The hospital sent the trio a Sibling Cake

Brittany & London

Granny holding London

Jason & London

Our fun for the night...when the nurse came to get London and take him for a bath she returned asking if we knew where London's id bracelet was. We looked all over the room but couldn't find it. The nurses response "well then I can't give you your baby back". Hmmm, her only suggestion was for Patrick to follow her back to the nursery and talk with the charge nurse. I went back through my pictures from today and saw that he woke up this morning with the bracelet on but somewhere between that and Grandpa's visit, the bracelet disappeared. He was taken for a hearing test during the questionable period but the nurse still insisted that we lost it! Even when we finally got things squared away (the charge nurse made us all new tags to match), London's nurse handed him to me and said "tell your mommy not to lose your bracelet this time". WHAT!?!?!?!?!

Thankfully its all over now and London is sleeping peacefully in a bassinet right next to me. We can't wait to go home!


  1. As Logan was going to bed last night, he said, "Mommy, Daddy and London need to get home". Maybe he knew something was up!

    Glad to see that London's hat showed up, even if his bracelet did not!

  2. Such sweet pictures! Hope you are feeling well. Enjoy that sweet baby boy!

  3. Oh sure, blame it on the sleep deprived mom! That nurse should have known better! I bet London was just tired of wearing it and took it off himself!

  4. steph that happened to us with our chlo but she had on two one on her ankle and one on her wrist...they weren't gonna let us keep the wrist one because they had to have one for their records...i was devasted, i wanted it for our baby book. they took hubby's instead and we got to keep chloe's. can't believe she tried to "blame" you! maybe it was put on too lose did she think of that? he's just as perfect as the other three! congrats again!!

  5. As sweet and nice as some of the nurses are there are a handful of ones you could just smack in the head.... I thought you were going to say one of the trips had it :)

    Hope you are feeling well.

  6. Congratulations!!! London is beautiful!! I wish I lived closer, I'd come offer to take newborn portraits of him!

  7. We have two bands on the baby, one on wrist and one on ankle. They were not very nice, if you ask me....
    He is so cute and I love all the pics with his siblings..

  8. Hi growing family,

    Congratulations from all of us. Get ready for number five and we'll call it even ;)

    London is a beautiful boy with a beautiful name!



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