Sunday, August 3, 2008

On The Road Again

Road trip...on the way to Destin!

The babies were SOOOOOO good on our trip to Destin yesterday. We only stopped twice, once for lunch and diaper changes and once for dinner/gas and diaper changes. They watched some movies, sang LOTS of songs (Beach Boys are a new favorite!) and took some good naps.

Poor Lathan stepped in ants while we were loading the car so we gave him a nice dose of benadryl. Kind of messed up our nap schedule but it kept the hives away!

Poor baby

Once he woke up, the others went down. Didn't bother him though...we just gave him his headphones, a little snack and he kept himself occupied!

This was our first trip with headphones...what cuties!!!

Lathan's movie was intense!

Missy Moo


So proud of my little ones and SO happy to be at the beach!

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