Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Nay Nay Got In A Fight

...and the mosquito won :(

This has happened to Lathan before, just usually from bites on his arms, wrists and ankles. We've been spraying him with a special bug repellent when he goes outside but it isn't something we can put on his face.

This is Lathan POST round the clock doses of Benadryl. He was up last night very uncomfortable and when he woke up this morning his eye was practically swollen shut. Poor baby...just pitiful!

Got him on his cheek, too.

Caused the whole right side of his face to swell.

Didn't stop us from having fun though! We got to go to lunch at Chili's with our favorites...Nat and Avery!!!

Trio playing peekaboo with Avery

Too bright...my kids needed their shades!


  1. OUCH!! Poor thing! We actually stayed off the strip at the Rio because we had free rooms from my Aunt. I looked for you guys when we were on the strip, that would have been funny to run into each other! Glad ya'll had fun! It was HOT but at least it wasn't humid too!

  2. Poor Nay Nay :(

    I love that Logan is holding onto Avery...he always takes such good care of the babies around him!

  3. Lathan's so cute even being all "swelled up".

    Wow, Avery sure has grown into a beautiful little girl - she was such a baby just a short time ago!!

  4. Poor little guy! That does not look like fun at all. Hopefully keeping him busy took his mind off of it!

  5. Wow, poor Nay Nay! That looks very uncomfortable. Do you know if his allergy to mosquitos would make him more allergic to other insect bites/stings -- like bees, wasps? I'm allergic to bees and I often get welts like Lathan has from sweat bees (tiny little things that are around flowers). Love Laurens cute jeans!

  6. Looks like Nathan may have Skeeter Syndrome.. I know it sounds silly but its real.. My little girl has it as well.. heres a link :
    I hope he gets feeling better..
    And I just love your blog.. Keep it up!!

  7. That little guy is such a trooper. I hope his eye feels better soon. Y'all are the coolest; look at your big kids helping entertain Avery. Awesome..

  8. Poor little sweetie pie! Naughty Nasty little bugs!


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