Thursday, March 6, 2008

Oh NO!!!!

I am so sad...

I took the babies in for a hair cut today and they BUTCHERED their hair!!!

Lauren went first and it wasn't that bad. Not good by any means but nothing like what they did to the boys. While one lady was cutting Lauren's hair another one pulled Lathan out of his seat and asked me how I wanted his hair cut. All I said was that it needed a trim. I didn't even notice how bad it was until I went to put him in his car seat. By then it was way too late and I didn't want to risk them making it any shorter to "fix" it.

Poor guy...he hated it!

Logan wasn't pleased either

And can you blame them...look at the results!

Sure it will grow out, but before tomorrow's pictures...I THINK NOT!!!!!!!!!

*Oh yeah...and this wasn't a "you get what you pay for" type cost me $50!!! I have SO learned my lesson and will now ONLY take them to Miss Diane. She's my favorite anyway, I'm just never organized enough to make appointments in advance. Lesson learned. On my way to email the company's customer service*

Baby we come!


  1. If I said, "it's not that bad" would you believe me? How could they not see that it wasn't straight?? I understand little ones can be tough when they're moving around but it's what they get paid to do! Poor little guys! Hopefully it wont show up in the pictures!

    They still look really cute! And's not that bad!

  2. Hopefully your photographer is good at PhotoShop!

  3. Oh my goodness! no wonder they were crying. i'm sure it will grow out quickly and can be added as another fun memory- "remember the one and only time we took the kiddos to __" give customer service an ear full!

  4. OH MY GOD! I am so sad for you. I'd be heartbroken too if my babies hair got butchered like that!

  5. If that's the place near super Wal-Mart, please give customer service a piece of your mind! I took Madison there maybe twice and they never do it right. There is a place in the mall next to the food court. They are a couple dollars more but SO much better!! So sorry!!

  6. OMG...even with wiggling toddlers, that's pretty darn uneven. Hopefully it will grow out quickly!

    I cut both of my boys' hair at home. I bought one of the kits at Costco for about $20 and have had it for a couple of years now. It has a bunch of different length attachments, so you don't have to worry about it being uneven or butchering them when they're wiggling around. Each attachemnt is numbered so you can see how to do the gradual fading, etc. that you want...or just one length, which is super duper easy. Saves a ton of money in hair cuts!

  7. OMG- your kids are adorable, but that is really bad! It should have been free!

    We do Sam's at home too, its not easy, but its cheep and not quite as bad:) LOL....although it would be a lot harder if we had 3 so I don't envy you...hopefully it will grow fast!

  8. Oh no! Maybe we can get them some of that spary that makes hair grow really fast (or whatever it does!) Poor babies and poor Stephie :(

  9. they are still the cutest kids ever, but seriously...insist that those haircuts be credited back to your wallet...i wouldn't pay $5 let alone $50 for 3 choppy haircuts.

  10. Oh no.... those poor kiddos!
    I have taken Landen to get his hair trimmed twice and each time was a disastrous event to say the least. I am growing it now and i tried trimming the back myself and that didn't go well either, so for me it's like a no-win situation.
    It will grow but unfortunatley for you, not fast enough, she did butcher the sides and back, it's not even blended.

    THey still are oh-so-cute though!

  11. I've found that taking my son to a BARBER shop instead of anywhere else gets much better results!

  12. When I read this, I thought, oh it can't be that bad!! But, my oh my, could those ladies see??? I started to ask if they were on dr*gs, then remembered this is a family blog!!!
    Poor babies.

  13. So sorry about the bad haircuts! I'd definitely complain too and get your money back for sure! I saw those exact PB outfits in the catalog we got a couple weeks ago and totally thought of you - pink, blue, green - PB specializes in your colors! Can't wait to see the photos of the triplets. They are cute enough to pull of any bad haircut! :-)

  14. I was supposed to take Makenna for a trim, but I do believe that you have scared me off of doing it, which makes Frank very happy.

    Kimberly and the GA Guinn Triplets

  15. Those poor babies! How could they not notice how bad that was?! I would fight until I get my money back - every dime! Don't "settle" for a free haircut or a gift card. I am so sorry that happened to you guys. But, in the whole picture of things, it is just hair and it does grow back....and they do indeed look cute and adorable as always!!! : )

  16. oh dear I hope you emailed customer service.

  17. SERIOUSLY, I'll do whatever it takes to accomodate the Guinn Babes at NO CHARGE EVER! It will be a litte while before they need to come see me!! Did they all forget their glasses that day? No worry, I don't need any, yet! Just remember your hair mess ups Stephanie before you try anything!! I'll even come to the house to cut their hair.


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