Monday, June 12, 2006

Can't Wait!!!

It looks like Lathan will be the first to come home! He is taking the full 8 bottles per day and was transferred this morning to an open crib, meaning he is now regulating his own body temperature. He will more than likely come home on oxygen for at least his feeds and may come equipped with an apnea montior (something we will glady welcome). If all continues to go well, we should have him home with us by Friday...we can't wait! We'll be taking a trip to Texas Children's soon to have an MRI done to see what his brain bleeds are doing. They had hoped that they would have resolved on their own by now but Lathan has other plans...we'll just have to wait and see what those are! He will also be taking a trip to the eye doctor for a follow up eye exam for his ROP. His case is mild and will hopefully take care of it self but just to be safe, we'll have to keep a close eye on him. Other than that, he will be FREE!!!

Lauren won't be far behind. She is on 5 bottles per day and other than the fact that she is on specialized formula that smells rotten (and from the looks of her during feedings, it apparently tastes that way too) she is handling them pretty well. Her PIC line (central line) should be removed sometime this week and hopefully she'll continue make her dash for the exit. We're thinking it could be as early as next week that we get to call her our own!

As for Logan, we are praying that we won't still be visiting the NICU come Christmas time. He has been on 1 bottle for a week and a half now and still doesn't come close to finishing it. His reflux is really bad and the feeding tube seems to be his method of choice. The pediatrician did say though, that babies can come home on feeding tubes if absolutely necessary so we figure that at the very MOST he will be there another 3 1/2 weeks. We're crossing our fingers!

Although we are VERY ready for everyone to meet the trio, we will have to limit visitors for the first few weeks. The babies have compromised immune systems and the change of environments alone will be a challenge for them. We promise to let everyone know when the doors of our home can be open but for a while we'll need to get the babies settled (and Patrick and I wouldn't mind some time to adjust either)!

Please keep those prayers coming...we're almost there!!!


  1. What blessings! I am so happy to hear this news tonight. We will keep praying for the continued healings of your little miracle babies. Love you all!
    Josh & Julie

  2. We are so happy for you all. From the pictures all 3 look just great - now able to see beautiful faces.

    You know everyone is praying for them - especially those with special prayers in heaven. I know these are the ones that are probably working the best!

    Love - Nannie

  3. I could not be happier for all of you! I am continuing my daily prayers for your family. Before you know it you will have a house full. Blessings to all of you and thank you so much for taking us on this journey with you!

  4. Yippppppeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

    Aunt Sandy, Uncle Jake and Maw Maw

  5. What a precious trio! We are thrilled with the progress your triplets are making.....

    You are in our prayers- Jeff and Susan

  6. I have been checking up on your family.Just seeing how the little angels are doing.
    Keep your heads & your Faith HIGH! The Lord has so much to give you all!
    Keep up the faith and remeber all things are done through Christ.

    Emily Rivera

  7. So glad to hear they are doing so good... prayers work! I'm officially "checked in" the antepartum unit and will hopefully get to have a NICU tour this weekend. Would love to see you, so if you are around on Saturday we will look for you, or just stop by when you get a minute. I know you are busy, so no big deal if you can't. God is so good! Hang in there!
    Bobbi Jo

  8. Praise God!! I'm so happy for you guys!! I pray that your little angels grow strong each day so they will be home soon! God is so good!

    Karen Coker

  9. Hi Stephanie and Patrick,

    We kinda left our NICU roommates last week without goodbyes ...sorry about that!

    We have been home for about a week now and things have gone really well; the babies are doing what they are supposed to be doing: eating, sleeping and dirtying their diapers 24/7! They are on a 3 hour feeding schedule and we are running a day and night shift (see the latest blog at

    We visited Bobbi Jo and Robby last Sunday and they were asking about you and the babies.

    It's so great to have met both of you through this extraordinary experience.

    It's a scary thought to know that the three of us can arrange for playdates with 11 kids of the same age in a couple of years!!!

  10. Chad, Lisa, and MadisonJune 15, 2006 at 7:50 PM

    It is so awesome to hear that they are doing so well...and so fast. We continue to think of you 5 everyday and wish nothing but the best.

  11. WOW - what amazing and comforting news! Even tho you'll still be extremely busy, how wonderful to have them in their own home with all that love surrounding them! We'll give you plenty of space so that all can adjust - but can't wait to see y'all!
    Crystal & Randy

  12. Jennifer Hawrylak (Runyon)June 16, 2006 at 9:25 AM

    Natalie told me about your beautiful babies and sent me the blog! They are so adorable and I am so happy to hear that they are all doing well. I will continue to check in and I wish you and your family all of the best! I bet you can't wait to have them all at home. We are thinking and praying for all of you!

    PS- I had my son on 4/9/06 3.5 weeks early! We werent' all that far apart!

    Jennifer Hawrylak (Runyon)


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