Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Pink or Blue?

Baby A (face)

Baby B (profile)

Baby C (face)

Well today we had our 15 week ultrasound where things like bones, arms and legs were measured. Each baby is growing right on schedule and Dr. Kirshon was even able to tell us the sexes... Baby A - Boy, Baby B - Boy and Baby C is our little girl!!! We can not believe how blessed we are to have a mixture and are super excited to be able to start picking things out and decorating the nursery. How perfect!!!

We had a list of questions that we wanted to ask but the fire alarm went off during the ultrasound so our visit was cut short. We were given a prescription to help with nausea...yeah...and also one to start progesterone shots again...ouch. Not quite sure the reason for progesterone because he was writing the presciption as the building was being evacuated but we trust that it is for a good reason and so will happily comply!

Our next visit will be on February 14th...Patrick's birthday!


  1. my best, best wishes for you and your soon to be family! your excitement comes through REAL strongly! please update!
    but i gotta say, daaaaaang, thats a lotta babies. I thought one was a lot......all my mommy neurons are firing off at once just looking at the ultrasound!

  2. When you want to talk about how to handle the "twins", give me a call!

  3. Yippee! Let's decorate!

  4. It is great to watch the progress. They are beautiful. But just a note of caution before you decorate. Many doctors have been wrong on the sex at 15 to 16 weeks. You might want to wait till the next appointment before you pick out the pink and blue.

  5. How wonderful! You get your little boys and your little girl to complete your family! I am thrilled for you!!

    Love, Mom

  6. Oh My Gosh....We are soooo Excited...Two boys and a girl that is perfect. Can't wait to see how you decorate, you have such a gift for that. Let us know when you're moving rooms to get ready..We love you all. Harriett and Steve

  7. I guess i'm the typical proud Grandpaw - I just can't stop telling people about my grandbabies.Now i will probably start showing ultra sound pictures to everyone.I'm ready to baby sit. Love - Kenny

  8. What a nice surprise! At this point, I can only imagine the fun we're about to have! Best wishes.

  9. Step & Patrick,
    Thanks so much for letting me share in your joy. They are growing so fast....cannt wait till June.
    Love ya! Lisa

  10. Congratulations! That is wonderful news! I am so excited for you two! I've been keeping my family updated and my girls were so excited last night when I told them. I love the web site, thanks for sharing.

    Debbie F.

  11. Steph,
    I am sooo happy for you and Patrick! Wow three babies!!! What a blessing. I can not wait to see you growing. Take it easy things will get done. Best of Luck!

    Karen Clements

  12. What a wonderful little family you are going to have. You both deserve this and we are so happy for you. I love that we can go and see the ultrasounds. Congratulations to you both! Les and Amanda

  13. I can already tell that Baby B is my favorite one. I can't wait to meet him.

  14. Hey Stephanie! It's Matthew Wallace, I just want to say congrats! Also on a side notemy friend has created a web site, www.quickrpickr.com, to help people creat blog posts with pictures. If you upload your pics to flickr it will automaticlly generate a blogger post for you. I figured you might want any help you could get once you go on bed rest!

  15. I cried happy tears looking at the ultrasound pictures this morning - I think realty really set in. What a blessed family we all are to have you two plus three more little Patty Cakes and one darling little Stephie!!

    I think I know who favors Baby B - maybe someone on the Guinn side with a little turned up nose, too!!

    Love, Mom & Dennie

  16. ooops - I meant TWO more little Patty Cakes!

  17. I would have sent you a message yesterday when Mom sent me the link but I did not know how to blog! Matthew explained I could send message without blogging.

    We are so happy for you and your family. Mom shared your desires to have a girl along with the boys. I will tell you as a Mom of a son they are fantastic! My 17 year old still willingly gives me hugs and kisses and will even take my hand as we walk down the mall. Of course he is special.

    Love Nannie


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