Thursday, January 5, 2006

First Appointment with Dr. Kirshon

Baby C (12 weeks 2 days)
January 3rd...
Today we had our first appointment with our perinatologist, Dr. Kirshon. We had lots of tests run including a detailed ultrasound...everything looks great! The babies weigh about 1 ounce each. Our appoinment lasted FOREVER but we got a lot of information. Next week I will have a cerclage put in to reduce the risk of preterm labor and to make sure the babies stay put. We were also told that bed rest would probably begin at 20 weeks...the last week of February...YIKES! We have a lot to get done before then! Next appointment (besides surgery on Jan. 11th) will be January on the lookout for an update!

1 comment:

  1. I am blogging in my English classes but really like this one better!!!I am SO EXCITED for all of us... 3 babies at once! REST and ENJOY the, Shannon


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