Thursday, March 4, 2010

Picnic and Park


Picnic at the park

I thought the booster seat might keep little man contained, didn't stop him though...instead he just crawled around with it attached to him!

Lauren & Lathan

London crawling toward the big kids

Lathan, Lauren , Logan

Lauren & London Swinging

Such a big boy and BRAVE...he thought he could do everything the big kids were doing!

Sliding by himself

Climbing up the slide with the big boys (I took his shoes off so he'd have a better grip!)

Leaving the park...we had tons to carry for the picnic but I didn't bring a stroller because I thought the kids could help. Worked great on our way out to the park but heading back to the car one had a blister, one a skinned knee and one had an accident in their pants (thank you antibiotics) so they were a mess and NO help on the way back!

Back at home...a bath, a change of clothes and a nice big nap...ahhhhhh.


  1. A quick hello. My son was in Austin recently. He entered his work on a local movie...he did the opening credits...and it was accepted by the Southwest Film Festival....I was wishing I could go with him and meet you all....another time.... :)

  2. What a nice day at the park! London is so grown up...and smart!! I am so impressed with his booster seat maneuver!


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