Sunday, November 12, 2006

Last Weekend

I was sick last week and I got behind on my posts! Here are some pictures from LAST weekend. We spent the afternoon with family out at Patrick's cousin Greg's new house...

Lauren and Madeline

Lauren Shares a Beer with Maw Maw

Apparently Logan shared some, too! Here he is passed out on Maw Maw's lap!

My Grandma comes in town this Thursday...wonder what kind of mischief she'll have the babies in to!!! You have to watch these Great Grandma's you know!


  1. I can't wait to see you all this weekend! Pam and I missed you over this last weekend!

  2. It looks like Maw Maw is going to be a hard act to follow - Logan looks like he had a REAL good time at Greg's house!


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